Lack of sleep can really affect your day. You might experience mood swings., trouble focusing and just overall feel pretty out of it. Lack of sleep can also interrupt your health- but did you know it can actually cause you to gain weight?

How Many People Suffer From a Lack of Sleep?

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a study that concluded 45 percent of Americans thought they had either a poor quality of sleep or received an insufficient amount of sleep. 

The study reported Americans sleep an average of seven hours and 36 minutes each night, in particular, on workdays. On non-work days, Americans tend to sleep an average of 40 minutes longer.

Teenagers are experiencing sleep issues at higher amounts than ever before. In fact, the NSF discovered over 87 percent of high school students in the United States get less than the recommended eight to 10 hours of sleep.

American Sleep Association Statistics About Sleep Disorders

Statistics provided by the American Sleep Association (ASA) denoted 50-70 million U.S. adults have a sleep disorder. A common symptom of insomnia and sleep deprivation is falling asleep during the day unintentionally, and 37.9% of people reported experience this symptom at least one time over the course of the previous month.

In the U.S. alone,  30 percent of adults experienced short-term insomnia while 10% had chronic insomnia. The same study also showed 3-5% of obese adults could be overweight as a result of sleep deprivation.

Age plays a huge role in who suffers from a lack of sleep. Of people between the ages of 20 and 39 years old, only 37% reported having a short sleep duration. People between the ages of 40 to 59 years old suffered from a lack of sleep more frequently. In fact, 40% of this age group reported receiving an inadequate amount of sleep.

Of all the people who participated in the study, 35.3% of them reported receiving less than seven hours of sleep during a 24-period. The average adult requires between 7.5 and eight hours of sleep each night, but some can function on less or require more, as noted by Sudhansu Chokroverty, MD of the New Jersey Neuroscience Institute at the JFK Medical Center in Edison, New Jersey.

What Causes a Lack of Sleep?

Life changes and an ever-changing work schedule can cause you to develop insomnia. 

The cause of insomnia varies based on whether you have acute or chronic insomnia. For example, stress or an upsetting event is usually the cause of acute insomnia. 

Chronic insomnia classifies as difficulty sleeping that happens at least 3 times per week for at least 3 months. This particular form of insomnia usually arises as a result of medical conditions, substance abuse, or psychological issues.

What Symptoms Can a Lack of Sleep Cause?

If you're having trouble falling asleep, you may suffer from a lack of sleep. Additionally, issues like having difficulty staying asleep contribute, as well. You might wake up too early and aren't able to fall back asleep. Even poor quality or nonrestorative sleep is part of experiencing a lack of sleep.

Suffering from a lack of sleep increases your risk of developing high blood pressure or depression. You might suffer from fatigue, poor memory, or the inability to concentrate or focus. You're more likely to make mistakes or have accidents when you don't get enough sleep.

Other possible symptoms include:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Mood disturbances, such as irritability
  • Low motivation
  • Low energy
  • Decreased immune function – getting sick more frequently
  • Increased blood sugar
  • Increased risk of heart disease

Does Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain?

Several factors play a role in why weight gain is common in those who suffer from a lack of sleep. For one, when you suffer from sleep deprivation, your body releases a higher amount of the stress hormone cortisol. As a result, you have an increased appetite.

Typically, when you're tired, you're going to make food decisions based on what's easiest and quickest. Therefore, instead of preparing a salad, you're going to go for a bag of potato chips.

You also make poor decisions about your food selection because of your body's natural response to stress – the production of serotonin. When you eat foods high in fat and carbs, it triggers the production of this hormone, which is why you crave those foods when you experience stress.

Sleep affects two other hormones in your body – leptin and Ghrelin. These two hormones control when you feel hungry and when you feel full. When you've eaten enough, leptin lets your brain know. When you don't have an adequate amount of sleep, your brain doesn't produce enough leptin, so it doesn't respond as effectively.

An inadequate amount of sleep stimulates your brain to produce an excessive amount of Ghrelin, which classifies as an appetite stimulant.

Lack of Sleep and Insulin Production

A lack of sleep affects your body's insulin production, possibly placing you at a greater risk of developing diabetes. When you don't get enough sleep, your body isn't able to process sugar as well.

Suffering from sleep deprivation causes the mitochondria – the powerhouse of your cells – to start to shut down.  This part of the cell is responsible for digesting fuel, so all the sugar that should go to the cells accumulates in your blood. Not to mention, your body produces less insulin, causing sugar to build up in your blood and cause weight gain.

Confusing Hunger and a Lack of Sleep

If you're feeling tired, you might confuse the symptoms of sleep deprivation and start snacking instead of getting sleep. Fatigue isn't always a sign of hunger. Usually, it's a sign you need to take a break and rest. 

If you're too tired, you're not going to exercise. And if you're not exercising, you're not burning all of those unnecessary calories.

How to Get a Better Night Sleep

Now you know the importance of getting enough sleep to help you progress in your fitness goals!

Good Nighttime Habits to Prevent a Lack of Sleep  

You should develop a routine of going to bed around the same time each night. Your body's cardiac rhythm activates and keeps you asleep, and you're more likely to go to sleep and stay asleep if you have a routine.

  • Remove all electronics from your bedroom. You want to create an environment of sleep, which includes eliminating any unneeded sources of light or noise.
  • Your room should be cool and dark. Studies link a good night's sleep with sleeping in a cool environment.
  • Drink Teami Relax before bed to calm your body!

Best Foods for Bedtime Snacking

Stop eating junk food. If you don't have willpower, get rid of all of it in your home.
Find healthy snacks rich in vitamins, minerals, and even whole grains. Have fresh fruits and vegetables on hand at all times. If you make healthier food choices, you're more likely to avoid stress eating, which can ultimately improve your quality of sleep.

Bananas and cherries are some of the top foods to consume for a bedtime snack because of how loaded with nutrition they are. You want to avoid anything with processed sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. These items all contribute to waking up through the night and consist of unnecessary calories.

Benefits of Teami Detox for Better Sleep  

Teami Detox works from two different angles to improve sleep and prevent weight gain at night. Teami Skinny will help improve energy in the morning & decreased cravings, while Teami Colon every other night works to purifies your body and cleanses your organs of the toxins found in harsh chemicals, processed food, and pollution. 

The toxins build up in your system and hinder nutrient absorption, which slows down the digestive process, ultimately putting you at risk for gaining weight.

By improving your quality of sleep, you're able to exercise more and have a clearer mind to make better eating decisions before bed and during the day.!