Ready to indulge in some much-needed mother-daughter bonding time? Get ready with our step-by-step guide to the ultimate DIY spa day! 

Step 1: Set the Scene

Transform your living room into a tranquil oasis by lighting some aromatic candles, laying out fluffy towels, and queuing up a playlist of soothing tunes! Make sure you have a pair of comfy robes and slippers on hand.


Step 2: DIY Face Masks

Time to whip up some all-natural face masks using ingredients straight from your kitchen! Here's a simple recipe to get you started:

If you'd rather skip the work and get straight to the good stuff, check out our all natural tea-infused skincare masks!


Step 3: Luxurious Foot Soak

Give your tired toesies some much-needed TLC with a DIY foot soak. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or Epsom salts. Sit back, relax, and let the stress melt away as you soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. Maybe enjoy a cup of Relax Tea to unwind!


Step 4: Foot Scrub and Massage

After your foot soak, it's time to exfoliate and moisturize those feet to perfection! Whip up a simple foot scrub or use Smooth Body Polish and gently massage it onto your feet in circular motions. Rinse off and pat dry before massaging in your favorite lotion or oil.


Step 5: Sweet Treats and Refreshments


No spa day is complete without a little indulgence! Treat yourselves to some decadent chocolate-covered strawberries and sip on refreshing cucumber mint water as you bask in the glow of your pampering session.


Step 6: Sit Back and Relax!

Take a moment to reflect on your spa day experience and the special bond you share as mother and daughter. Then put on your favorite flick or show!

There you have it, ladies – the ultimate guide to a DIY spa day filled with love, laughter, and plenty of pampering. So go ahead, spoil yourselves rotten and create memories that will last a lifetime!